Why do I need an updated Cash Equivalent Value (CEV)?

Solicitors and clients will sometimes instruct Collins Pension Actuaries and provide Cash Equivalent Values (CEVs) for pensions which are coming up to or are more than one year old. In these instances it will be necessary to request the parties provide an updated CEV. The reason for this is straightforward and relates to when a … Continue Reading

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Benefits of you collecting your pension data?

The main reason Collins Pension Actuaries asks parties to gather pension information is that ultimately it is a quicker means of obtaining a Report. The Provision of Information Regulations governing what pension information should be supplied in a divorce case is narrow and open to different interpretations. Those regulations were not designed with the author … Continue Reading

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When to request a CEV

Collins Pension Actuaries requires as up to date as possible Cash Equivalent Transfer Values (CEV) for your pensions in order to provide accurate Pension Sharing illustrations. However, it is often the case that we are provided with CEVs which are more than a year old and which will ultimately require updating because Pension Sharing Reports … Continue Reading

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